Small towns, whether they are exotic or old-fashioned, usually hold the same truths. They may be historical or just a quaint place to visit. Whatever the case may be, these places tend to be traps for the wallet. Just because it’s a small town doesn’t mean everything is more expensive than the rest of the country. Keep these tips and tricks in mind when traveling to destinations with a population of 5,000 or less.

Bed and breakfast hotels are great for experiencing the local culture. You can get a more personal experience and save more of your moolah. Chain hotels tend to have a standard rate that is non-negotiable. B&Bs are locally owned and sometimes the prices can be adjusted if you barter with the owner. If you offer a bottle of wine or to cook a meal, the owner may give you a deal.

If you see hundreds of ads and flyers hanging around advertising the same restaurant or shop, then you might want to steer clear of this place. The owners of that place are trying to take advantage of naïve tourists. Chances are their prices are way too high for the quality of product or food that they’re selling. Plus, it is likely to be crawling with unsuspecting tourists. For a better, cheaper experience stick to the mom-and-pop places that are a little more humble. You may alos want to consider availing [/google_bot_show][/google_bot_show]escorted tours of Switzerland for example to make your entire travel experience more organized and worthwhile.

As annoying as they may be, tours are great for taking in all of the sights that are worth seeing. Visit the town’s information center or check with a travel agency beforehand to take advantage of local tours. Websites may advertise tours or offer coupons as well so do a little research before traveling.

Ask the locals (unless they’re advertising something)

If you’re unsure about where to go for eating or sightseeing, ask the locals (unless, of course, they are handing out flyers and pushing you to go to a certain place). Ask the owner of the B&B you’re staying at or a local shop clerk for recommendations. These people know their town pretty well and they will be able to tell you the best and the cheapest places to go.

Every small town has its busy season. And as a result, prices will go up to take advantage of the increase in visitors. By doing some research before traveling, you’ll be able to avoid the hassle of crowds and outrageous prices. A town’s busy seasons tend to be spring and the end of fall when the weather is cool.

A slave to her education, Rachael is in her third year at the University of South Florida to earn a Bachelor’s of Art degree in magazine journalism. In her future, she envisions herself editing a fashion/photography/travel magazine (if such a thing exists). Her feisty attitude and short temper can be traced back to her Italian heritage. She knows a little Italian but plans to learn more while vacationing there someday. She is most at peace when writing, spending time with the boyfriend and watching movies about chicks that kick ass.


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