For adults who live with the health complications associated with HIV, the variety of treatment options can be quite overwhelming. With many medications and treatment options offered by your healthcare team, it is easy to become confused in what HIV treatments should be used and at what time in the progression of your immunodeficiency disorder.
If you have been diagnosed with HIV, it is important to speak with your healthcare professional about the treatment options available, including the use of medications that can slow the progression of the HIV virus. Using an FDA approved medication in the right combination and at the right time, many complications associated with HIV can be slowed in progression.
An FDA approved drug known as Crixivan may provide some therapeutic benefit in your management of HIV. Manufactured by MerckĀ amp; Co., adults who have been diagnosed with HIV are finding significant improvements in their health status, with a healthier management over the virus that causes AIDS.
While there are many medications available on the market today, as an HIV patient it is important to know what prescription drugs are beneficial to your overall health, specifically those that work as a monotherapy and those that work as cocktail drugs. If your physician feels Crixivan is the best option for the management of your HIV infection, the dosing will usually be recommended as a cocktail drug. This is to say, the use of Crixivan is often mixed with other therapeutic agents. Dosing is generally recommended as 800 milligrams, every eight hours. As a benefit to you, that dosing of 800 milligrams is generally provided in two-400 milligram capsules.
For optimal health outcomes, the use of Crixivan should occur within one to two hours of meal consumption. Ideally, the dosing should be administered with a light meal and fluids ranging from water to tea, coffee or milk. If you take Crixivan with a high calorie meal, you are at-risk for reduced effectiveness.
For HIV patients with a pre-existing history of diabetes mellitus, the use of Crixivan, in managing your HIV infection, many not be indicated. In addition, Crixivan has been associated with the development of new cases of diabetes mellitus. As a result, your physician should carefully manage your diet, exercise and blood glucose levels while using this therapy for your HIV infection.
If you suffer from complications involving kidney function or complications of the genitalia while using Crixivan, this may be indicative of an allergic reaction for which immediate medical attention is required. In addition, anemia is quite common while using Crixivan and, as a result, should be carefully managed while on the daily HIV therapy.
As with any form of treatment involving HIV therapy, it is important to speak with your healthcare professional regarding treatment options and how best to manage and slow the progression of the virus. In the case of HIV, ask your physician about the cocktail dosing of Crixivan as another effective form of therapy for HIV patients.